
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blog award :) Thank you MargeGoh

We got a nice award from  MargeGoh. Thank you very much.

- thank the person who gave you the award
- put a link of her/his blog in your blog
- put in your blog the logo of the award
- give the award to 7 blogs with less than 50 members
- put links to this blog
- inform these people that they received the award
- write 7 thing (facts) about yourself

We give this award to these wonderful blogs:
hobby ladica
trenutki kreativnosti
kuštrava art
male stvari
unikatne dekoracije Keti
shish mish art

Definitely visit them :)

And - a bit about us:
- we like reading
- we love animals
- we are going to have a dog (havanese), hopefully soon
- we love our hobby
- we love spending time with our family
- Dulu plays piano
- Titic's favourite island is Lošinj

(photographed by Lule)
(photographed by Dulu)

Thanks for visiting  ...  xo


1 comment:

  1. Pozdrav, hvala vam od srca na nagradi, ugodno ste me iznenadile istom. Malo sam pogledala vas blog, i svidja mi se sto radite. Ugodan ostatak vikenda vam zelim.
    Lp, Sonja.
